2017 Burke & Bagley Prize for Brass Quintet

Announcing the 2017 Burke & Bagley Prize for Brass Quintet!

$1000 Prize: Make a video of your performance of “Marvel,” post the
video to YouTube, submit the link, and win $1000!

Sheet music for Marvel is available for FREE download from the Burke &
Bagley website. There is NO FEE to enter. ANYONE may participate. There
are no age or nationality restrictions.

The international panel of judges include these outstanding musicians:

• Louis Hanzlik, trumpet, American Brass
• Caleb Hudson, trumpet, Canadian Brass
• Alex Freund, trumpet, M5 Mexican Brass
• Chris Parkes, horn, Fine Arts Brass (U.K.)
• Ben Jacks, horn, Australian Brass
• Greg Spiridopoulos, trombone, Empire Brass
• Scott Sutherland, tuba, Presidio Brass

Deadline for submission is April 15, 2017.

For the flyer & full details:

Event address:

Event e-mail: prize@burkeandbagley.com

Website: http://www.burkeandbagley.com/prize/2017prize.html