A statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

August 23, 2020

Founded in 1972, the International Trombone Association (ITA) has been and is committed to being, in the words of its Mission and Vision Statement, “a fully inclusive organization,” and one that “shall promote, nurture, and celebrate the trombone and trombone related activities.” One of the Association’s core strategies is to “celebrate our diversity.”

The ITA affirms its commitment to championing and celebrating diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the world-wide community of trombonists in all of its activities including its Journal, its sponsored events including the International Trombone Festival, its website and social media platforms, and its governance.

The Association recognizes, however, that this commitment has not always been expressed in ways that have properly or adequately reflected the importance and value of the many diverse aspects of our multi-faceted membership. In light of this, it is with renewed energy that the ITA’s leadership commits itself to implementing its inclusive Mission with the support, guidance, and assistance of all of its members as we—together—energetically champion the trombone and all those who give it voice.

Jacques Mauger, President
Carol Jarvis, First Vice President and President Elect
Megumi Kanda, Second Vice President
Ben van Dijk, Immediate Past President

Christopher Houlding, Chair, Executive Board
Bradley Palmer, Vice-Chair, Executive Board
Christopher Shook, Secretary-Treasurer, Executive Board
Natalie Mannix, Executive Board Member

Magnus Nilsson, Executive Director
Diane Drexler, ITA Journal Editor
Karen Marston, International Trombone Festival Director
Justin Cook, International Trombone Festival and Exhibitor Manager

Steve Wolfinbarger, Chair, Governance Committee
Nathaniel Brickens, Governance Committee
JoDee Davis, Governance Committee
Ben McIlwain, Governance Committee
Douglas Yeo, Governance Committee

Further to this statement, the International Trombone Association would like to add that it intends to renew its commitment to diversity and inclusion through an active advisory council on diversity appointed by the executive board.