We are a diverse and supportive community of musicians. From amateurs to professionals – composers to performers – students and teachers alike – we all love the trombone. We learn from one another, become better at our craft, discover our history, and create our bright future together!
Officers & Executive Board
ITA Officers 2023-2026
ITA Executive Board
Bradley Palmer
Keith Jackson
Christopher Shook
Natalie Mannix
Ben McIlwain
Past Presidents
Board Of Advisors 2023-2026
Heather Buchman
Michael Dease
Thomas G. Everett
Nick Finzer
Nozomi Kasano Flatt
Matthew Guilford
Dr. Jeannie Little
Dr. Gretchen McNamara
Dr. Sarah Paradis
Louise Pollock
Sasha Romero
Dr. David Wilborn
ITA Staff
Advisory Councils
Natalie Mannix (chair), Tony Baker, Louise Pollock, Nathaniel Brickens, Marcia Medrano, Jennifer Wharton
Timothy Howe (chair), Jessica Butler, Michael Davidson, Luis Fred, Nick Kazmierczak, J. Mark Thompson
Dee Stewart (chair), Josh Bynum, Brad Edwards, Kirsten Lies-Warfield, John Lofton
Brett Baker (chair), Trevor Herbert, David Vining
Student Council
Layne Hopkins (president), Corey Nance (vice-president), Anthony Cangemi (sectretary), Ambry Jonker, Jayeon Lee, Matt Fowler
Standing Committees
Chris Shook (chair), vacant, Bill Lentz, vacant
Ava Ordman (chair), Mark Hampson, Lucas Borges
Don Lucas (chair), Paul Compton, vacant
Hana Beloglavec (chair), Yu Tamaki Hoso, Heini Schneebelli, Chase West (ITA Competitions Coordinator/non-voting ex-officio)
Ben McIlwain (chair), Nathaniel Brickens, JoDee Davis, Christopher Shook (ex-officio)
International Trombone Festival
Carol Jarvis (chair), Bradley Palmer, Steve Wolfinbarger
Ad-Hoc Committees
Early Music
Charles Toet (chair), Greg Ingles, Liza Malamut
International Trombone Week
Colleen Wheeler (chair), Nathaniel Brickens, Martin McCain
Junior ITA
Astrid Nøkleby (chair), Ole Kristian Hansen, Connie Roslund, Birgitte Momme Nielsen, Chris Fower, Tom Riccobono, Ivan Chinchilla, Don Lucas (ex-officio)
New Music
Abbie Conant (chair), Mark Hetzler, John Kenny
ITA Affiliate Societies
Association des Trombonistes Français (French Trombone Association)
Jacques Mauger, President
Brazilian Trombone and Tuba Association
Renato Farias, President
British Trombone Society
Christian Jones, President
Finnish Trombone and Tuba Association (SUPATUS)
Michuko Kajima, President
Antti Rissanen, Vice President
Hong Kong Trombone Association
Stanley Chen, Chairman
Hungarian Trombone and Tuba Association
Vilmos Sabo, President
Internationale Posaunen Vereinigung (Germany)
Louise Pollock, President
Spanish Trombone Association – Asociacion de Trombonistas Españoles
ITA Chapters
What is a Chapter?
Trombonists like to connect with colleagues and friends who share a passion for the trombone. Local groups can give trombonists a way to get together, develop skills, and discuss ideas.
Official ITA Chapters can access resources and funding that promote local activities. Each Chapter sets its own level of membership dues. Members of the Chapter must also be ITA members in good-standing. Generally, eight is the minimum number of members required to form a Chapter—but all applications will be considered.
How do I form a Chapter?
Meet with other trombonists in your area to determine the level of interest, the number of potential members, and the scope and direction of your chapter (school, college, community, region, etc.).
Secure the services of a contact person or advisor who is an active member of ITA. In school or college situations, a faculty member is suggested, but any ITA member can function in this capacity.
Find a time for all to meet to discuss the need and desirability for an affiliate chapter. Encourage all to join the ITA, since this is a pre-requisite to membership in your local chapter. Discuss the possible types of activities in which your chapter may wish to engage.
Send the ITA Local Chapter Application Form to:
Brian S. Brink
ITA Local Chapters Coordinator
Department of Music
Florida Southern College
111 Lake Hollingsworth Dr.
Lakeland, FL 33809
Email: chapters@trombone.net
Upon receipt of the chapter certification the members should meet again to adopt a constitution and by-laws, elect officers, and develop the program of activities for the chapter. A copy of the by-laws as well as an annual report should be sent to the Local Chapters Coordinator.
Existing ITA Chapters
- California: Bones West (Santa Ana, CA)
- Florida: Central Florida Trombone Society
- Florida: Florida State University (Tallahassee, FL)
- Indiana: Indiana University (Bloomington, IN)
- Kentucky: University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY)
- Louisiana: University of Louisiana (Monroe, LA)
- Michigan: Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, MI)
- Missouri: Show-Me Bones (Columbia, MI)
- New Jersey: Greater Princeton Trombonists Chapter
- New Jersey: Mason Gross School of the Arts (New Brunswick, NJ)
- Texas: Austin Trombone Association (Austin, TX)
- Virginia: James Madison University (Harrisonburg, VA)