Imagine your piece performed by trombonists around the world. This
year, the ITA invites you to compose new music in honor of
International Trombone Week (ITW) and share it with trombone players
via the ITW web site. It’s a great way to get exposure for your work.
Brad Edwards and Nick Adams have led the way by sharing music for
trombone quartet and octet. Their sheet music is available for your
ITW performance (see links under Resources in the navigation bar).
Please join them. For consideration, please send your music as a pdf
to the ITW Committee Your work will be
reviewed by the ITW Committee. If it is accepted, you will retain the
copyright. The International Trombone Association will have your
permission to distribute your work via this website and it will be
licensed to trombonists for their ITW performances.
We’re especially interested in accessible music for younger players.