About the ITA Journal

The July 2024 issue of the ITA Journal is now available online in the members-only section. Print copies will mail in the week of July 8, so and please allow two weeks for delivery – and up to 4 weeks for Europe/Asia/South America. Featured in the July issue are, among others:

Remembering Bill Watrous
By Aric Schneller

Thriving Amidst AI
By José Valentino Ruiz and José Leonardo Leon

Giving Credit Where Credit Is Definitely Due
Congratulations to our five distinguished 2024 ITA Award recipients—Abbie Conant, John Fedchock, Benny Sluchin, John Swallow, and Douglas Yeo!

Why Nose Breathe?
By Katy Jones

Know What Makes a “Slip Horn” Slide?
By Douglas Yeo and Allison R. Dick

General News,The President’s Column, Orchestral Sectional, Wellness Note, Perspectives on Longevity, Philosophies, Practices, and Pedagogies of Performing Professionals, Pedagogy Corner, Audio/Video Reviews and much more.

Read it here

ITA Journal Online

vol37_4_150A complete archive of all past ITA Journals & Newsletters is available in a digital format to all ITA members in the Members Only section of the website. A regular ITA membership includes a paper version of the ITA Journal and access to the online version. A full searchable index is available.

ITA members can also opt for an online-only (no paper) membership at a highly reduced rate, allowing online access to the latest Journal even before the printing date

The online Journal is a quick and convenient way of reading our magazine – no waiting times for shipping, no storage issues and an environmentally friendly approach by not using any paper.

Free trial!
Please feel free to try and test the digital format by accessing our complimentary copy of the 2009 October issue of the ITA Journal: iPad & iPhone supported!

Do you need an older issue?
All past Journals and Newsletters are available to members in our online archive.

The ITA Journal has been in production since 1971 with a series of newsletters printed from 1973 to 1980. Published quarterly since 1982. It is edited by Amy Maclean and includes scholarly articles, trombone news, job announcements, and literature and record reviews.