New online Literature Reviews archive

New online Literature Reviews archive


After offering print reviews of new material for more than forty years in the International Trombone Association Journal, we are excited to expand to the world wide web via the ITA website Expanding to the internet offers advantages and solves growing problems as media capability and expectations of readers grow and change.

The volume of literature we handle has outgrown our ability to publish reviews in a timely fashion in the quarterly print journal. Our online column enables us to publish reviews within about three months of receipt. This is a great advancement that brings quality evaluation of new material much closer to its release date.

Our online column is searchable by everyone, not just ITA members, introducing our instrument and its repertoire to everyone from researchers to surfers.

Limits of space are always a concern in the print column. Not so online where reviewers express their evaluations and opinions free of word counts and other space saving limitations.

The archives can be found under the Journal tab in the navigation menu.




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