GA Opening at University of Florida
Announcing a Graduate Teaching Assistantship available for the University of Florida Trombone Studio
Application Deadline: February 1, 2018
The assistantship is open to both tenor and bass trombonists seeking a Master of Music in Trombone Performance beginning in the Fall of 2018.
Interested applicants should visit the UF School of Music website and click on the “Apply” tab. Questions about the assistantship or audition process can be emailed to Dr. Shinn.
Financial Benefits
• Tuition waiver
• $7,500 annual stipend
• Health Insurance
• Perform with the UF large ensembles
• Applied lessons for music minors and assisting with other lessons as needed
• Assisting with planning and implementation of studio events
• Assistant conductor of UF Trombone Choir
The trombone studio is comprised of around 16 graduate and undergraduate students studying a variety of degrees including: Music Performance, Music Education, and Music in Combination with an Outside Field. Students receive weekly lessons, studio class, and perform in the University of Florida Trombone Choir. Trombonists participate in all major university ensembles including the: Symphony Orchestra, Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, Jazz Ensemble, and Gator Marching Band, as well as smaller ensembles such as brass quintets, jazz combos, and pep bands.
Over the past few years the studio has performed at the 2017 Florida Music Educators Associate Professional Development Conference, 2013 International Trombone Festival, and the UF International Brass Festival. Guest artists during Dr. Shinn’s tenure include: US Air Force Trombone Quartet, Buffalo Philharmonic Low Brass Section, Potsdam Brass Quintet, University of Tennessee Faculty Brass Quintet, Nathan Zgonc (Atlanta Symphony Orchestra), Lance Green (Royal Scottish National Orchestra) MSgt Karl Johnson (US Marine Band), and Mark Lusk (Penn State University).
Gainesville is the largest city in North Central Florida with a population of approximately 130,000. A quintessential college town, it is home to UF, Santa Fe College and an active downtown. Gainesville is roughly equidistant from the cities of Jacksonville, Orlando, Tallahassee, and Tampa, all of which have international airports in addition to Gainesville Regional.
The state of Florida is home to a variety of professional musical opportunities including twenty-five orchestras, several cruise lines, and the Walt Disney Corporation. In addition, daytrips to Disney World, or one of many world-class beaches makes it easy to recharge your body with some much-needed relaxation.