Graduate Assistantship at Ball State

Recent home to the 2019 International Trombone Festival, Ball State University is happy to announce an opening for a graduate assistantship starting in Fall 2020. This is a full assistantship, and also includes a stipend. This position is dedicated to the Jazz Area, so that is where the candidate’s work load would be. The degree, however, is a traditional performance degree. So it results in a “classical degree” on paper, but in reality encompasses much more. The ideal candidate would have the following qualities:

– strong lead player in big band setting
– experience in band-leading (part of assistantship is running the 3rd jazz band)
– competent “classical” player, prepared for “classical” lessons each semester (in addition to all jazz work)
– open-minded/desiring of studying a broad range of styles to prepare for 21st-century career including freelancing, teaching, and writing, all in many different genres.
– jazz improvisation is NOT required, but of course would be welcome

Studying trombone at Ball State means studying for the work that is out in the world now. Close mentoring from both trombone teachers at Ball State (Chris Van Hof, “classical,” and Freddie Mendoza, “jazz”) means a graduate student here will finish their program fluent in symphonic, chamber, electronics, jazz, salsa, pop, and more. Profs. Van Hof and Mendoza work together to train students to be best prepared for life as a modern freelancer, teacher, and audition-taker.