Graduate Assistantship at Texas Tech

Beginning August 2018, One Graduate Position in Tenor or Bass Trombone

Responsibilities: Teach private trombone lessons, perform with the Graduate Brass Quintet, perform in a major ensemble, assist with administration of trombone program, and other duties fitting the qualifications of the winning candidate.

Stipend: During the 2018-19 academic year, Graduate TAs receive a stipend of $10,000.00 on the Master’s Degree Track for nine months or $11,500.00 for nine months on the DMA Degree Track, plus out of state tuition waivers and benefits. The estimated tuition for MM Candidates is $1,500/semester; for  DMA candidates, the estimate is $600.00 – $ 1,000.00/semester.

Qualifications: Bachelor of Music or Music Degrees in Music or Music Education, excellent performance skills, experience in private trombone instruction, conducting skills and admission with full matriculation to a graduate music degree program in the School of Music

Graduate Degrees: Master of Music, Doctor of Musical Arts, or Ph. D of Fine Arts degree, with a major in Music Theory and Composition, Music History and Literature, Performance or Conducting

General Information: Located in Lubbock, Texas, Texas Tech University is a major research university with approximately 35,000 students.  The School of Music enrolls 500 graduate and undergraduate music majors and offers high level instruction, conducting, pedagogy, music education, composition, music history, music theory and administration.  Lubbock, a city of over 300,000, is the cultural center of West Texas and offers a wide variety of opportunities for performers and scholars.

To Apply: Follow application instructions and apply to the TTU Graduate School here.

In addition, please upload a curriculum vitae, a solo and ensemble repertoire list, three letters of recommendation, and a CD/Mp3 Recording of the repertoire listed below.

CD/Mp3 Rep: Two contrasting movements (can be from the same or different pieces) from the standard solo repertoire.  Accompaniment is not required. Three orchestral excerpts.

For additional information, please contact:

James T. Decker, Associate Professor of Trombone
Texas Tech University School of Music
Box 42033
Lubbock, TX  79409-2033