Hong Kong Trombone Association/ITA affiliation
We would like to welcome the Hong Kong Trombone Association as the latest addition to the growing ITA Affiliate Societies listing. We are looking forward to developing an information exchange and joint membership programs together!
Established in 2009, Hong Kong Trombone Association (HKTA) is a non-profit association of a group of passionate trombone enthusiasts aimed at education and promotion of appreciation in western brass music, in particular to trombone music and its entire related works, to the general public. Through organizing performances, workshops, master classes and exchange programs, with local and overseas professional musicians and educators, HKTA is also dedicated to facilitate exchanges of players at different levels towards the advancement of professional music playing standards.
HKTA organizes the annual SliderAsia Trombone Festival, which is a premier annual music festival for Asian trombonists of all levels as an annual get-together during summer. Details can be found at http://www.SliderAsia.org/.