Michael Davis Twin Cities Visit
On February 21st through 24th, 2017 Michael Davis visited Minneapolis-St. Paul and the surrounding region for a number of performances and masterclasses. Sponsored by the Trombone Shop at Schmitt Music and S.E. Shires, Mr. Davis started his trip at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire on Feb. 21st, working with Professor Robert Baca and the UWEC Jazz Ensemble 1 and the UWEC Trombone Choir, directed by Dr. Phil Ostrander, finishing with a performance at top Twin Cities jazz venue Crooners with both groups as well as the Minnesota Youth Jazz Band 1.
On Feb. 22nd Mr. Davis was hosted by Professors Dean Sorenson and Tom Ashworth at the University of Minnesota, providing a well-received masterclass for the U of M trombone studio. Mr. Davis and the S.E. Shires team then traveled south to St. Olaf College where he worked with Professor Dave Hagedorn’s three jazz ensembles.
On Feb. 23rd Mr. Davis’s trip culminated in a performance at Schmitt Music in Brooklyn Center, MN. Mr. Davis collaborated with top trombonists from the Twin Cities in performing a number of his compositions for trombones and rhythm section. The event also featured a performance of “76 Trombones” by 76 trombonists (68 actually, but close enough) and a give-away of a S.E. Shires Q series tenor trombone.