Nick Finzer’s Jazz Trombone Bootcamp 2021

Nick Finzer will host a virtual jazz trombone bootcamp from June 14-June 18. Due to the global pandemic, the workshop will be held over a variety of technology platforms. Guest artists include Andre Hayward, Steve Davis, Vincent Gardner, Michael Davis, and more to be announced!

This camp is intended for advanced high school, college, and postgraduate students who are serious about jazz trombone and want to improve their playing. Interested participants can enroll as masterclass performers, masterclass participants, or auditors.

The workshop will include daily warmup sessions and masterclasses, as well as various topic sessions including:

  • Trombone Fundamentals
  • Music Theory
  • Tune Learning
  • Jazz Vocabulary Development
  • Transcription Strategies
  • Scales/Modes
  • Tune Trading Sessions

If you are interested in further information or registering, please click here.