Nathaniel Brickens is Honored with 2021 Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award

Congratulations to Dr. Nathaniel Brickens for being awarded a 2021 Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award! The University of Texas System Board of Regents established this program in 2008 to honor extraordinary classroom performance and innovation. Since that time, the Board has presented more than $20 million to over 750 outstanding UT educators. Brickens is one of…

Graduate Teaching Assistantship Available at The Ohio State University

The Ohio State University School of Music announces an expected vacancy for a Graduate Teaching Associate in trombone beginning in August 2022. This position is available for both MM and DMA candidates. GTAs at Ohio State receive a tuition waiver plus a monthly stipend that includes health insurance. Explore the link below and/or contact Dr. Sterling…

Graduate Assistantship Available at Colorado State University

Colorado State University has a Graduate Teaching Assistantship position open (master’s degree only) in the trombone studio for Fall 2022. Graduate assistants receive tons of performing, teaching, and conducting experience to put on their CVs! There are additional scholarships for graduate and undergraduate students as well. If you, or anyone you know, is interested in…

Ithaca College – Opening for Assistant Professor of Trombone

The Ithaca College School of Music announces a full-time, tenure-eligible position for a teacher-performer of trombone beginning August 2022. Primary responsibilities include teaching weekly lessons for undergraduate students, coaching chamber music, teaching a weekly repertory class for trombone majors, and active participation in student recruitment. Special consideration will be given to candidates whose experience includes…

Big 12 Trombone Conference

The Nineteenth Annual Big 12 Trombone Conference, hosted at Texas Tech University, will take place from January 14-16, 2022. This annual conference features presentations, guest artists, and solo competitions for tenor and bass trombone. This year, the featured guest artist is American trombonist, composer, arranger and YouTuber, Christopher Bill. Please visit the conference website for further information…

Graduate Assistantship at CU Boulder

A graduate trombone assistantship will be available at the University of Colorado Boulder College of Music starting fall 2022. The assistantship is available to MM or DMA candidates. Preference will be given to a bass trombonist, but tenor trombonists are encouraged to apply as well. For application and audition information, visit: Please contact Bill Stanley,…

Complete Blazhevich Concert Duets for Two Trombones Now Available on Youtube

During the COVID-19 pandemic, trombonist Brian Wilson recorded and published the complete Blazhevich Concert Duets for Two Trombones. A playlist of all 38 duets is available on YouTube. Brian received his B.A. in Music from Portland State University.  His principal teachers were Alan Pierce, Marc Wolters, John Trudeau, Warren Baker and H. Dennis Smith.  He…

Graduate Assistantship in Trombone at Ohio University

The Ohio University School of Music has a Trombone Graduate Assistantship position open for Fall 2022! It includes a full tuition waiver and stipend. DUTIES may include: teaching applied lessons, teaching trombone methods class, performing in the graduate brass quintet, or other responsibilities as needed. COMPENSATION: Stipend ranges from $5,618 to $11,236 and a complete…

Remembering Henry Charles Smith

Grammy award-winning brass player, conductor, and educator Henry Charles Smith passed away on September 8, 2021. Smith was a member of the Philadelphia Orchestra from 1956-1967. After one year as Associate Principal Trombone, he was appointed Principal Trombone before leaving the orchestra to pursue a career in conducting. Smith performed over 2000 concerts under Eugene…