Nick Finzer will host a virtual jazz trombone bootcamp from June 14-June 18. Due to the global pandemic, the workshop will be held over a variety of technology platforms. Guest artists include Andre Hayward, Steve Davis, Vincent Gardner, Michael Davis, and more to be announced!
This camp is intended for advanced high school, college, and postgraduate students who are serious about jazz trombone and want to improve their playing. Interested participants can enroll as masterclass performers, masterclass participants, or auditors.
The workshop will include daily warmup sessions and masterclasses, as well as various topic sessions including:
- Trombone Fundamentals
- Music Theory
- Tune Learning
- Jazz Vocabulary Development
- Transcription Strategies
- Scales/Modes
- Tune Trading Sessions
If you are interested in further information or registering, please click here.
Dr. Bruce Tychinski and the University of Delaware Trombone Studio are pleased to host their annual Trombone Day on February 27, 2021 from 12pm-5pm EST. Featured artists include Kenneth Thompkins, Principal Trombone of the Detroit Symphony, and David Wilborn, Associate Professor of Music at Texas A&M University. Additionally, the day includes a group warm-up, breakout sessions highlighting different solos, and a play-along at home with the UD Trombone Choir.
This year’s event is free and all sessions will be held over Zoom. If you are interested in more information and would like to register, please click here. If you have further questions, please contact Dr. Bruce Tychinski, Professor of Trombone.
The Tennessee Tech Trombone Studio is pleased to host a Virtual Trombone Day on Saturday, February 20 from 9am-12 pm CST. Featured guest artists include Steve Wiest, trombonists, composer, and author and Jennifer Wharton, Broadway performer and low brass specialist. While the event is free, it is requested that everyone registers in advance in order to get an accurate head count.
If you are interested in registering, please click here. If you have further questions, please contact Dr. Joshua Hauser, Professor of Trombone at Tennessee Tech.
Southwestern Oklahoma University is pleased to announce a Graduate Teaching Assistantship in the Trombone Studio, starting Fall 2021. Assistantships are awarded by the Department of Music based on a successful application and audition.
Duties include:
- Assisting with weekly trombone studio teaching, chamber music, and studio class
- Serving as assistant director of the trombone choir
- Assisting with guest artist events
- Additional duties as assigned
The assistantship includes an annual stipend of $5800 and a tuition waiver. It is renewable for up to two years pending satisfactory progress towards graduation.
Interested candidates need to apply to the university and complete the GTA application. If you have additional questions or would like to schedule an audition and interview, please contact Dr. Philip Martinson, Assistant Professor of Trombone.
The Ball State University School of Music in Muncie, Indiana is proud to host Trombone Day 3 (Part 2) on March 27, 2021. The featured guest artist will be James Nova, Second/Utility Trombone with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all events will be live-streamed.
Participants will have the opportunity to attend masterclasses, clinics, warmups, recitals, and a final trombone choir concert. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to participate in a Virtual Mass Trombone Choir.
Admission for the day is $5. The final concert will be free but donations are gladly accepted.
Please click here to register. if you have further questions, please contact Dr. Chris Van Hof, Assistant Professor of Trombone.
The Missouri State University Department of Music is pleased to announce that a new graduate assistantship has been created for the trombone studio, starting Fall 2021. Duties may include teaching lessons, coaching chamber ensembles, assisting with Trombone Choir, Studio Class, and group warmups, and other duties as needed. For further information about the assistantship and application process, please click here.
If you have further questions, or would like to set up a lesson/meeting, please contact Dr. Jason Hausback, Associate Professor of Trombone.
A consortium is being organized to commission a new bass trombone sonata by Frank Gulino. Currently based out of Washington D.C., Mr. Gulino leads a successful career as a trombonist and composer. His music has been performed and recorded by prominent brass musicians such as Steven Mead, the Israel Tuba Duo, and artists from leading orchestras across the United States and all four premiere military bands.
The work is expected to be 8-10 minutes long, suitable for advanced musicians. Consortium members will pay $175 and have exclusive rights to the piece from September 1, 2021 to September, 2022. This project is limited to 30 participants.
For further information on this project, please click here. For further questions, please email Austin Pancner.
Registration for the 2021 Southeast Trombone Symposium (STS) Competitions is now open.
STS is proud to host multiple competitions for students in different age groups. The Youth Competition is open to pre-college and trombonists under the age of 19 as of July 14, 2021. The Excerpts and S.E. Shires Competitions are open to trombonists under the age of 26 as of July 14, 2021.
This year’s symposium is being held in partnership with the 2021 International Trombone Festival. Participants are welcome to participate in all ITF and STS clinics, competitions, and events.
In the event that the 2021 ITF/STS cannot be held in person, the three STS competitions will continue via recordings.
For further information, including rules, repertoire, and deadlines, please visit the STS website.
Getzen is collaborating with Ian Bousfield to present the first annual Ian Bousfield International Tenor Trombone Solo Competition.
The competition is open to trombonists under the age of 25 who are not engaged by a professional full-time orchestra at the time of the competition.
For further information, including repertoire and prizes, please go here.
Dr. Chris Van Hof, Assistant Professor of Trombone at Ball State University, recently organized a consortium for a new trombone octet by Iris Ceulemans. Ms. Ceulemans is a composer, arranger, trombonist, and educator based in Madison, Wisconsin.
The piece, 2020, was written in response to the current COVID-19 pandemic. It also reflects on the social unrest, reckoning, and hoped-for-change associated with the murder of George Floyd and countless other African Americans.
Over twenty trombonists from across the USA helped commission this new addition to the trombone choir repertoire. Consortium members have exclusive rights to perform the piece until October 2021. After that, anybody can perform the piece for free as long as it is not for profit and credit is given to Ms. Ceulemans.
For further information on the piece (please note, consortium entry has passed), please visit Dr. Van Hof’s website. If you are interested in performing 2020 in the future, please contact Ms. Ceulemans.