Graduate Assistantship Western Michigan

The Western Michigan University trombone studio announces a graduate assistantship in trombone for an incoming master’s student starting Fall, 2020. Responsibilities include performing in the Graduate Brass Quintet. Also, outstanding academic scholarships up to $60,000 over four years are available for undergraduate students who apply by November 15. For information about the success of current…

Viktor Sumerkin passes

The trombone world is saddened to learn about the passing of the renowned trombonist Victor Sumerkin. Victor Sumerkin was born on January 3, 1933, in the village of Volkovo, Tver Region, in a simple working-class family. In 1945, in post-war Leningrad, he saw Sun Valley Serenade, and the film determined his fate. He decided to…

Survey for Brass Musicians

Eric Wallace is a doctoral student at the University of North Texas, and a researcher with the Texas Center for Performing Arts Health. As part of his dissertation, he is conducting a survey to investigate a performance problem that is experienced by some brass instrumentalists. You can find more information about him, and his previous…

Scott Reeves Tours Japan

Scott Reeves, Professor of Music at City College of New York, freelance composer and trombonist (specializing in the alto valve trombone), recently spent three weeks teaching and performing in Japan. Pictured here on alto valve trombone with the students and faculty at Shobi University in Tokyo, his music for big band was also performed by…

GTA Southwestern Oklahoma State University

GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP IN MUSIC/TROMBONE 2019-2020 Academic Year Open to  qualified degree candidates. Assistantships are awarded by the Southwestern Oklahoma State University Department of Music based on application and audition. SWOSU offers MM degrees in Performance, Music Education, and Music Therapy. DUTIES -Assist with weekly trombone studio teaching, chamber music, and studio class -Serve as assistant director…

Graduate Assistantship University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Trombone Teaching Assistant (M.M.) 10-hour assistantship that includes performing with the Graduate Brass Quintet, teaching non-major applied lessons, coaching undergraduate chamber music, and classroom duties. This position includes a generous stipend, full tuition remission, and health insurance. Application Deadline: February 1, 2019 Prospective graduate students should contact Professor Greg Spiridopoulos About UMass Amherst: As…