Job Opening Troy University

There is an Associate or Assistant Professor of Trombone opening at Troy University.  The Assistant/Associate Professor position in Music is responsible for teaching applied trombone lessons to undergraduate and graduate music students with additional teaching responsibilities based upon incumbent’s strengths and School of Music needs; engaging in scholarly/creative activities leading to national visibility and contributing…

Associate or Assistant Professor of Trombone UCF

The University of Central Florida School of Performing Arts, Music Department seeks a nine-month, tenure-track assistant professor or tenured associate professor in applied trombone. Duties will include instruction, recruitment, retention, and development of the trombone studio, teaching low brass techniques class for music education majors, assisting in the administration of the brass area, and other…

Michael Davis Twin Cities Visit

On February 21st through 24th, 2017 Michael Davis visited Minneapolis-St. Paul and the surrounding region for a number of performances and masterclasses.  Sponsored by the Trombone Shop at Schmitt Music and S.E. Shires, Mr. Davis started his trip at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire on Feb. 21st, working with Professor Robert Baca and the UWEC…

The Big 12 Trombone Conference

  The Fourteenth Annual Big 12 Area Trombone Conference was held January 20th – 22nd at Texas Tech University. The Conference’s Featured Guest Artist was Joseph Alessi, Principal Trombonist of the New York Philharmonic. Mr. Alessi’s guest artist recital and master class were both inspiring. His playing was beautiful, sensitive and virtuosic. With every selection,…

Low Brass/Assistant Director of Band Drake University

Assistant Professor of Low Brass/Assistant Director of Bands, full-time, tenure track appointment, begins Fall 2017. Teach undergraduate low brass studio. Direct Marching Band, Symphonic Band, and Bulldog Brass (basketball band). Additional responsibilities may include teaching low brass methods class, marching band techniques course and/or assisting with Jazz Studies program depending on qualifications. Success as an…

Artist/Assistant Professor of Trombone at Arkansas State University

Arkansas State University (A-State) is recruiting applicants for the position Artist/Assistant Professor of Trombone (Tenure Track) beginning August 15, 2017. The Artist/Assistant Professor of Trombone (Tenure Track) will teach undergraduate and graduate applied trombone.  This person will also be responsible for recruiting, retaining and advising music majors in the trombone studio.  The applicant will pursue…