Graduate Assistantship at USM

The University of Southern Mississippi is excited to announce a graduate assistantship in trombone (MM or DMA) starting in Fall 2017. Benefits include in-state and out-of-state tuition waivers, a stipend of $7200, and health insurance.  The assistantship duties include teaching music major lessons, assisting with trombone ensembles (Choir, Octet, and Hub Bones- our jazz trombone…

Assistantship at Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Two tuition waivers are available to entering MM, DMA and Artist Diploma Tenor and Bass Trombone Students starting in Fall 2017. There are also opportunities for assistantships within the School of Music and on campus. Contact Elliot Chasanov, Professor-Trombone at Studio: School of Music: UofI:

Graduate Assistantship at CCM

A Graduate Assistant position is open at CCM for Fall 2017,  carrying with it full-tuition waiver, stipend and reduced health insurance premium. The duties include Trombone Choir conducting, applied teaching, etc. Questions can be directed to  Questions about the trombone studio can also be sent to the Teaching Assistant, Russ Zokaites at

Assistantship at LSU

The Louisiana State University trombone studio, led by Dr. Hana Beloglavec, has an assistantship available for an incoming graduate student starting in fall of 2017. More information on audition requirements can be found here: Applications are due December 1st, 2016. Feel free to contact Dr. Beloglavec at with any questions.

Two Assistantships at FSU

The FSU Trombone Studio will have two graduate teaching assistantships available beginning Fall 2017. These assistantships are applicable for potential Master of Music or Doctor of Music degree programs at the Florida State University College of Music. The assistantships each include a tuition waiver and stipend. All graduate applicants are automatically considered for College of…

CU Boulder Assistantship

There is an open assistantship for a graduate trombonist, MM or DMA, to begin fall 2017 at Colorado University Boulder.  It is a 1/4 time assistantship (10 hours of work per week) – the duties will be primarily as a member of the graduate brass quintet. Potential applicants are welcome to contact William Stanley and/or the…

Assistantship at Arkansas

Under the direction of Dr. Cory Mixdorf, the trombone studio at the University of Arkansas has a Graduate Assistantship opening for the fall semester of 2017. The assistantship includes opportunities in teaching, performance and leadership, and comes with a tuition waiver plus an $11,000+/year stipend. In addition to the official university benefits is a guaranteed…

ITF2017 application deadlines

Application deadline for Performers and Presenters for the 2017 ITF The deadline for performance and presentation proposals for the 2017 International Trombone Festival is October 15, 2016. For more information go to:   Application deadline for Student Ensemble Performances for the 2017 ITF The deadline for submitting Student Ensemble Performance proposals for the 2017 International Trombone…

Assistantship Opening at UTK

A full-tuition Teaching Assistantship is available at the University of Tennessee, under studio direction of Dr. Alex van Duuren, beginning Fall 2017. Duties include the instruction of undergraduate students and performance in select ensembles, among others. This assistantship provides a full tuition waiver and monthly stipend, plus medical benefits. Interested applicants should contact Alex van…