Hawes Joins CIM Faculty

The Cleveland Institute of Music (CIM) recently hired Randall Hawes, bass trombonist with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO), as trombone faculty. “Randy Hawes is one of this generation’s finest trombone players,” says Michael Sachs, head of the brass division at CIM and principal trumpet of The Cleveland Orchestra. “To gain a great bass trombone player and…

Call for Performances/Clinics

The Fourteenth Annual Big 12 Trombone Conference, scheduled for January 20 – 22, 2017, is still welcoming proposals for clinics and performances. If you have any questions or would like to propose clinic or concert possibilities, contact James Decker. This year’s Featured Guest Artist is Joseph Alessi. Visit the website to view a general conference itinerary and…

Job Opening in the US Navy Band

The United States Navy Band is holding auditions for the position of Tenor Trombone in the Concert/Ceremonial Band. Starting salary is $58,960-$65,656 plus benefits. Materials are due October 14, 2016, and auditions will be held November 4, 2016. Located in Washington DC, The US Navy Band is the Navy’s premier musical ensemble. For more information,…

Derrick Parker retires

In April 2016 Derrick Parker retired from the ITA/BTS Affiliate Membership manager position after 5 years being the liaison between BTS affiliate members and ITA. Derrick has played a key role in streamlining membership processes and creating policy for the two organizations. We thank Derrick for all his contributions to ITA and BTS over the…

Hearn Joins Dallas Symphony

Barry Hearn, has been appointed Principal Trombonist of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra after a successful audition and performing a week with the DSO in April 2016. From 2009-2016 Barry was Assistant Principal Trombone with the National Symphony and prior to that a member of the US Army Band and Field Band in Washington, DC. Barry’s…

ITF Exhibits Director vacancy

Announcement for the position of International Trombone Festival: Exhibits Director Position: The Exhibits Director for the International Trombone Festival coordinates all responsibilities concerning exhibits and advertising for and at the ITF. Responsibilities include fostering and maintaining positive relationships with exhibitors and advertisers throughout the year and during the Festival. Prior to the ITF, the Exhibits…

Brad Edwards Joins ASU Faculty

Brad Edwards has accepted the trombone professor position at Arizona State University beginning in the Fall of 2016. He leaves his current position at the University of South Carolina. He commented, “I am thrilled to join an excellent faculty and a program with strong support for graduate and undergraduate studies. I am grateful for all…