2016 Grammy Nominations

Marshall Gilkes, John Fedchock and Wayne Wallace have received Grammy nominations this year! Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album: Köln Marshall Gilkes & WDR Big Band [Alternate Side Records] Best Instrumental Composition: Vesper Marshall Gilkes, composer (Marshall Gilkes & WDR Big Band) Track from: Köln [Alternate Side Records] Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella: You And…

Assistantship at Valdosta State

A Graduate Teaching Assistant position is available for the Trombone Studio at Valdosta State University. Assistantship will include a full tuition waiver and an $8,000 stipend. This position is for a tenor or bass trombone student seeking a Master’s Degree (MMP). For more information contact Dr. Doug Farwell at 229-333-5804 or dfarwell@valdosta.edu. For information about…

Low Brass at Université de Montréal

Deadline for applications for the Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral programs at Université de Montréal are February 1st and March 1st. Program includes weekly rep classes, thrice-weekly group warm-up, weekly studio class, brass ensemble and mock auditions. Teachers: Trombone/Bass Trombone: David Martin- formerly of the Montreal Symphony, and Austin Howle, tuba, Montreal. Knowledge of French is…

University of Florida: Graduate Assistantship Available

The University of Florida Trombone Studio would like to announce a Graduate Assistantship opening beginning Fall 2016. At this time, we are accepting applications from tenor trombonists seeking the Master of Music degree in Music Performance. The application deadline is February 1st, 2016. Assistantship responsibilities will include performing with UF ensembles, assisting with the planning…