Summer Slides with Tromboteam

Summer Slides @ Southern Miss with Tromboteam is an intensive 4-day camp consisting of master classes, solo competitions, chamber music, trombone choir, recitals, group warm-ups, audition preparation, private lessons, etc. It is scheduled for June 3-6, 2015, on the campus of The University of Southern Mississippi. The faculty for the camp will consist of members of Tromboteam, a professional trombone quintet. Tromboteam has performed recently as guest artists at the International Trombone Festival at the Eastman School of Music and the Eastern Trombone Workshop in Washington DC. Members include Jennifer Griggs, John Grodrian, Ben McIlwain, Sarah Paradis and Craig Watson.

Students will be provided with housing, a meal plan, and will have access to the practice rooms at Southern Miss.

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