April 6-13, 2025
International Trombone Week is on the horizon!
We celebrate every day in April, and during the surrounding weeks. The “official” dates are April 6-13, 2025. 🎵
It’s the perfect time to play your trombone, share it with others, and have fun making music online and in-person. Everyone is welcome.
We welcome performers, artists, students, teachers, organizers, builders, and more. Past celebrations have included parades, live-streams, concert hall world premieres, workshops, garage concerts, student recitals, jazz radio features, video compilations, online long-tone warm-ups for the universe, epic opera excerpt battles, and more.
How will you honor the beautiful voice of the trombone? Click the button below to add your event (this is optional). Click the Explore the Map button to look at past events (online, hybrid, in-person). Visit again soon because this map is always growing. 🪴 Follow the latest ITW news on Mastodon. 🦣

It’s the perfect time to play your trombone!
Would you like some sheet music?
Thanks to generous and talented composers and arrangers, you can download, perform, record, and share these works at no cost:
- Sunrise Over Frost and Fog by David Faleris. This piece won last year’s ITA Trombone Composition Contest.
- Fanfare for the World, composed by David Miller, celebrated the ITA’s 50th and ITW’s 20th anniversaries.
- Trios by David Caldwell and Colby Norton
- Quartets by Nick Adams, Spencer Schaffer, and Patrick Cooper Sullivan
- Octets. Seven legendary BoneWeek Fanfares composed by Brad Edwards
- BandMusic PDF Library and IMSLP (International Music Score Library Project)
- 💡If you want to learn how to play the trombone, Trombone Week is the perfect time to begin!
Do you need inspiration?
- Call someone special and play them a jazz standard “just because”.
- Play along with Lisa Liz Trombone as she runs through her daily trombone warm-up routine.
- Play along with Alex Moraru, principal trombone with the National Radio Orchestra in Bucharest, as he works on his mouthpiece buzzing.
- Practice a new scale, warm-up, or exercise every day during ITW. We like to play in a different mode-a-day: Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian.
- Collaborate with a friend on a recording that stretches you a bit.
- Watch The British Trombone Society’s International Trombone Week Video.
- Play a thought in all the keys.
- Alex Iles kicked off ITW’s 20th anniversary with a giant online warm-up. Participants played along, received a copy of Alex’s routine, and shook up the universe with a resonant group B-flat.
- You can play Ukraine’s beautiful national anthem 🇺🇦 arranged by Christopher Bill.
- Give your trombone and mouthpiece a thorough spring cleaning with Aaron Eckert’s helpful guidance.
- Go through these exercises from Will Baker
- Share a drawing, painting, or photo of your trombone.
- Host an impromptu garage concert for your neighborhood.
- Go outside and be still for a while while meditating on trombone goodness.
- Send happy birthday greetings via a phone call or via a video.
- Sit with Sarah Jo on Classic 107 and learn about an ITW collaboration in Winnipeg where more than 40 trombonists debuted a work by Kristofferson.
- Pick your “Top 3” in Trent Hamilton’s Introduction to the Trombone Family.
- Watch Super Bone’s interview with Eric Budd, a multi-instrumentalist from Australia.
- Re-visit your well-worn copy of Arban’s Famous Method for Trombone.
- Learn to use music notation software and arrange something for a trombone-playing friend.
- Begin and end each day with a very looooong long tone.
- Soak up some rich trombone history with Will Kimball.
- Do a trombone dance-of-joy through Main Street.
- Share your recital video.
- Listen to this beautiful NPR TinyDesk Concert with Ryan Keberle and Catharsis.
- Write a poem about your faithful trombone stand.
- Tell your headphones to play trombone music.
- Bask in the glory of Opera Excerpts with the epic collection created by Roger Cutts.
- Explore the free educational resources shared by Ryan Keberle and Wycliffe Gordon.
- On Earth Day and Arbor Day, play a soft tune of gratitude under your favorite tree.
- Watch Christian Lindberg’s “Chick’a’Bone Checkout” with Charlie Vernon and Columbus State University.
- Enjoy Hex Files by James Kazik performed by The Stephen F. Austin State University Trombone Octet conducted by Deb Scott.
- Post a favorite trombone-related quotation.
- Share a moody photo of your plunger mute.
- Write a trombone poem or haiku.
- Do you have other ideas?