Amy Riebs Mills
Red Dragonfly:

VA, United States
Publisher: Amy Mills Music
Date of Publication: 2013

Primary Genre: Solo Tenor Trombone - with piano

Red Dragonfly is a three-movement sonata composed by conductor-turned-composer, Amy Riebs Mills. Written for Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra Principal Trombonist, Megumi Kanda, this piece showcases the versatility of the instrument with bombastic themes, soaring melodies, glissandi, trills and a little Dixieland. The work’s “seed,” which permeates each movement, is the Japanese melody Red Dragonfly. Each movement has its own challenges. The first movement requires a strong low range as it incorporates many Cs and D-flats at loud dynamics. In the second movement, all four verses of the original Japanese Red Dragonfly melody (written by Kosaku Yamada) are wonderfully presented, alternating between piano and trombone. Some potentially challenging trills represent the flutter of the dragonfly’s wings. The final movement contains “American folk dance” themes, Dixieland and some minor rhythmic challenges. The piece contains jarring transitions but overall it encapsulates a high musical character, making its preparation enjoyable and its performance entertaining. Range extends from BB-flat to d2, and it makes substantial use of tenor clef. It is suitable for a talented undergraduate trombonist. The piece is available via Dr. Mills’ website,

Dr. Mills was previously Music Director of the La Crosse Symphony, the National Women’s Symphony and the U.S. Air Force Band, Orchestra and Chorus. Red Dragonfly was premiered by Ms. Kanda at the 2013 International Trombone Festival in Columbus, GA. Dr. Mills has also transcribed Red Dragonfly for concert band. Megumi Kanda will perform it at the American Trombone Workshop, formerly known as the Eastern Trombone Workshop, in Washington DC with the U.S. Army Band (Pershing's Own) March 21, 2015.

-Cory Mixdorf
University of Arkansas

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published July 18, 2023
Appears in Journal 43:2 (April, 2015)