Peter Swan
Excito Quod Evenit for Solo Tenor Trombone:

Coventry, , United Kingdom
Publisher: Warwick Music Publishers
Date of Publication: 2008

Primary Genre: Solo Tenor Trombone - unaccompanied

Peter Swan composed Excito Quod Evenit for his trombone-playing friend Neil Gallie, who studied with trombonist Chris Houlding. Excito Quod Evenit is included in Houlding's excellent solo compact disc "Houlding His Own" (SRC143).

From Latin to the northeastern English dialect of the Geordie, the full title, Excito Quod Evenit (Geordie translation: Mak it 'Appen) seems to be an invitation for the reader to jump in and make it happen. The four-movement work for solo trombone explores lyrical and dramatic elements of trombone performance. The influences of Benjamen Britten and Peter Maxwell Davies can be heard in the work. Modern yet tonal, Excito Quod Evenit features remarkably expressive passages, muted sections, trills, motoristic themes, expanded tessitura and dynamics, harmonic slurs, multiphonics, flutter tonguing and more. Its range extends from pedal AA-flat to e-flat2. What is impressive is that it all comes together beautifully as a cohesive, expressive composition. Excito Quod Evenit is a new jewel in the trombone repertoire that requires an advanced performer. It is highly recommended!

-David Manson
St. Petersburg College

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published July 18, 2023
Appears in Journal 43:2 (April, 2015)