Peter Warlock
Capriol Suite:
Arranged by James Haynor
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Publisher: Cherry Classics Music
Date of Publication: 2010
Primary Genre: Brass Ensemble - 6+ brass (choir)
Capriol Suite:
Arranged by James Haynor
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Publisher: Cherry Classics Music
Date of Publication: 2010
Primary Genre: Brass Ensemble - 6+ brass (choir)
Mr. James Haynor, a prevalent arranger of brass chamber music, has transcribed Peter Warlock’s famous Capriol Suite for Strings for an instrumentation of two brass quintets. Active in the early twentieth-century, Peter Warlock was the pen name of the self-taught British composer, critic and scholar, Philip Heseltine. Inspired by an illustrated collection of dance instructions, this work consists of six short movements, each based on a different dance. The dances vary in meter and style but generally alternate between fast and slow tempos, culminating with the exciting final movement entitled Mattachins (Sword Dance). The Capriol Suite is orchestrated in a way that truly lends itself to the double quintet setting. An excellent selection for intermediate to moderately advanced performers, this work offers students a nice introduction to less common compound meters like 6/4 and 9/4. A widely spaced stage setup will heighten the effect of the antiphonal call and response qualities this work showcases. There are a few technical points to take into account when considering this work. The third movement entitled, Tordion, features a string of eighth-notes that require a technically nimble tubist in the first quintet. In addition, the second trombone part in the fourth movement, Bransles, includes a series of fast moving passages in the trigger range below the bass clef staff, requiring either a tenor or bass player quite adept in this range of the instrument. Mr. Haynor conveniently includes trumpet parts in both C and B-flat. Capriol Suite was donated for review by Cherry Classics Music and is available at Written-pitch instrument ranges: combined C trumpets – g to c3, combined horns – a to b2, combined trombones – C to g1 and tuba – C (optional GG) to c1. -Philip Martinson Saint Leo University