Ludwig van Beethoven
Drei Equali :

Arranged by David Mathie

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Publisher: Cherry Classics Music
Date of Publication: 2011

Primary Genre: Trombone Ensembles - 4 trombones

Equali, meaning equal parts or voices, came into being in the 18th century as short, chorale-like trombone quartets that were used for funerals. The three equali by Beethoven were adapted for male voices and were performed at his funeral in 1820. These short movements are a staple of the trombone quartet repertoire, as it is one of the few, if not the only, original works for trombone created by one of the greatest composers who ever lived. Given its prominence, one might wonder if this arrangement could be characterized as a solution in search of a problem. However, Dr. Mathie, retired Professor of Music at Boise State University, makes a convincing case that the original version presents challenges that keep the piece out of the reach of less experienced players. He notes that the original parts are notated in alto clef for trombones one and two and in tenor clef for trombone three. Dr. Mathie has transcribed these parts into bass clef and lowered the key by a step. By incorporating these changes and adding "expressive indications and other musical suggestions" to the final two movements, less advanced performers will have access to this majestic treasure. Cherry Classics has thoughtfully included the original version as well.

-Joel Elias
California State University, Fresno and Sacramento

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published July 19, 2023
Appears in Journal 44:2 (April, 2016)