Ken Davies
Milton’s Trombones :

Gautier, MS, United States
Publisher: Kenvad Music
Date of Publication: 2003

Primary Genre: Trombone Ensembles - 4 trombones

Composed for the New Orleans Trombone Choir directed by Milton Bush, Davies scored this work for four-parts suitable for choir or quartet. Cast in an accessible A-B-A form, the key signature indicates C and commercial harmonies are tastefully used. Never scored above mezzo forte, the lyrical lines and shared obbligato require command of legato and subtle rubato is essential to maintain audience interest.  Pyramid stacking and bass versus the three tenors are commonly used compositional techniques.  The piece concludes with a descending motive through the four parts. Parts were not provided and are not included in this review, yet they are indicated in the order catalog. Milton’s Trombones can be effectively programmed in alternation with more aggressive works and is suitable for a younger ensemble.

-David Stern
Lewiston, ME

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published July 19, 2023
Appears in Journal 44:2 (April, 2016)