Michael Davis
Bone Kill: 5 suites, 15 etudes

Nanuet, NY, United States
Publisher: Hip-Bone Music, Inc.
Date of Publication: 2012

Primary Genre: Solo Tenor Trombone - unaccompanied

Bone Kill is a collection of five, three-movement suites of etudes for unaccompanied trombone in a jazz/commercial style. Although classified as “etudes,” they are of a high enough quality that they could function as works on a jazz studies jury or recital. Sixty years ago, they might be considered “Third Stream” music. The accompanying compact disc of Davis playing the etudes is particularly helpful, as the etudes themselves do not indicate swing or straight 1/8th notes. Dynamics and articulation marks are minimal. Ranges collectively span from E to d2, but tend to stay in a comfortable middle register. The works reflect a thorough understanding of the idiom, and lie well on the instrument while still presenting challenges. Bone Kill is highly recommended for advanced students of jazz, or for students desiring compositions in a jazz style.

-Chris Buckholz
University of New Mexico

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published July 26, 2023
Appears in Journal 42:4 (October, 2014)