Jonathan Warburton
Deep Inside:

Publisher: Wehr's Music House
Date of Publication: 2011

Primary Genre: Solo Tenor Trombone - with piano

Warburton’s short, melancholy piece is listed as a solo for bassoon on the cover, but on Wehr’s website it is designated for any bass clef instrument. Deep Inside sits well for tenor trombone or euphonium. The piece maintains a slow tempo throughout hovering in the middle register. A-flat and g1 appear only once while the rest of the work stays within c-f1. The piece never moves from C minor, but does present slight dissonances. For students who are developing their lyrical playing, working on vibrato, or just enjoy a dark gloomy melody, Deep Inside is certainly a fitting choice. While well suited for a college freshman, it may also serve as a good balancing work within the context or needs of an undergraduate recital. An undergraduate pianist could easily cover the accompaniment.

–Justin Isenhour
Ouachita Baptist University

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published July 26, 2023
Appears in Journal 42:4 (October, 2014)