Lon W. Chaffin
Into the Void :

Louisville, KY, United States
Publisher: Potenza Music Publishing
Date of Publication: 2013
URL: http://www.potenzamusic.com

Primary Genre: Brass Ensemble - 5 brass

Given in the form of fanfare, march and chorale, the composer describes Into the Void as “a call to adventure, the sending forth of brave travellers, such as those who have walked on the moon.” The key signature throughout is two flats, but it’s never actually in the key of B-flat major; its harmonic language is quartal. The first section is in 3/4 meter, its main theme, two rising fourths and a falling fourth, recalls the spiritual, Tone duh Bell Easy. The middle section, in 4/4, employs repeated triplet 16th figures, often in open fifths, with much use of melodic patterns constructed from fourths and fifths, much in the adventurous spirit that pervades this piece. The third section returns to 3/4 and a reprise of the spiritual; its conclusion is truly ‘in the void’ - a pair of open 5ths two octaves apart and an enclosed 4th. Trombone range is F–f1. First trumpet tops out at f2 and horn at c2 (concert). This is an enjoyable piece; it has both melodic and contrapuntal interest, uses a variety of rhythmic patterns, is not too difficult, and should be well within the capability of good high school players. Production is of high quality.

Dr. Chaffin chairs the Music Department at New Mexico State University. His works have been widely performed in the USA.

-Keith Davies Jones
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published July 26, 2023
Appears in Journal 42:4 (October, 2014)