Marco Bordogni
Melodious Etudes for Trombone: Selected from the Vocalises of Marco Bordogni, Book I
Arranged by Joannes Rochut. Edited by Alan Raph.
New York, NY, United States
Publisher: Carl Fischer
Date of Publication: 2011
Primary Genre: Study Material - etude
Melodious Etudes for Trombone: Selected from the Vocalises of Marco Bordogni, Book I
Arranged by Joannes Rochut. Edited by Alan Raph.
New York, NY, United States
Publisher: Carl Fischer
Date of Publication: 2011
Primary Genre: Study Material - etude
There have been several new editions of this material produced recently, obviously, material beloved by trombonists. This new edition features some excellent updates. The mistakes in the previous edition have been corrected, the parts have been reengraved, many, though not all, of the awkward page turns have been eliminated, and the rests in the original vocalises have been reintroduced in this edition. The publisher includes measure numbers as well, along with a compact disc containing recorded accompaniments for all 60 vocalises in Book I, and printable .pdf files of the accompaniments. Including the accompaniments adds much to this material. Although they are somewhat inflexible in terms of musical interpretation, when the vocalises are used as etudes these recorded accompaniments can be really helpful in improving intonation and rhythm. Inclusion of the .pdf files creates a performing version of the vocalises, which allows for more expression and nuance. Alan Raph provides judicious editing - a few additional slurs, occasional rephrasing, slight articulation changes, and added dynamic markings. All of these changes I find sensible, musical and most importantly, they maintain the character and style of the music. Revising music with which we are all so familiar carries some risk, but the changes to this new edition are helpful and provide needed corrections and improvements. -Tim Howe University of Missouri