J.A. Greenwood (attrib.)
The Swanker:

Arranged by Dr. Mike Glinthanger

Coventry, , United Kingdom
Publisher: Warwick Music Publishers
Date of Publication: 2011
URL: http://www.warwickmusic.com

Primary Genre: Solo Tenor Trombone - with piano

According to Warwick’s website, ‘Dr. Mike Glinthanger, brass musicologist of the University of Northern South Alaska at Tubkas, whilst carrying out research into British brass band trombone repertoire and the use of the glissando, discovered the hand written manuscript of this work in a cupboard in a Victorian band room in Lower Slidestock Mills in West Yorkshire, England. After a study of the compositional techniques used he believes it could be a lost opus attributable to J.A. Greenwood, composer of the famous trombone solo, The Acrobat.

John Ambrose Greenwood, (1876-1953), was born in Cheshire; he was a cornettist, and as a professional brass band conductor won 42 national championships between 1904 and 1952. His virtuoso trombone showpiece The Acrobat is well known to British brass band players; he is also the composer of The British Legion March.

The Swanker calls for much of the same virtuosity as its illustrious companion. It features a short lyrical Andante section; a cadenza calling for fast triple-tongued sixteenths, a variety of articulations and nimble slide work; and an Allegro section making much use of glissando, ending of course in the key of B-flat. Range comprises F-a1. The solo part is printed in bass and B-flat treble clef.

A small footnote on the inside of the back cover of this publication reveals that the actual composer of this piece is Mark Nightingale, and that the attribution to John Greenwood was an elaborate April Fools’ Day joke. This will probably be fully understood only in Britain.

-Keith Davies Jones
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published August 4, 2023
Appears in Journal 42:1 (January, 2014)