Peter Thorne
Rondo a la Mode:

Coventry, , United Kingdom
Publisher: Warwick Music Publishers
Date of Publication: 2011

Primary Genre: Solo Tenor Trombone - with piano

Rondo a la Mode is a fun introduction to 7/8 meter for an advanced high school or early college level player. Range is moderate, B-flat to a-flat1, and with the exception of a few 5/8 measures, the piece stays in 7/8 throughout. These two factors allow a young player to get a firm grasp of 7/8 and most of its rhythmic patterns and groupings. In addition the piece is a good study in staccato and accent, to make the melody and meter have energy and interest. There is some tenor clef in the solo part, so the performer needs to be familiar with clefs as well. As the title suggests, the primary melodic section is a short rhythmic melody in dorian mode. The main contrasting section in the center of the piece is slightly slower and more lyrical. Though not difficult, the accompaniment requires a rhythmically competent pianist. Mr. Thorne has written an enjoyable and engaging piece for younger performers with excellent pedagogical value as well. 

-Tim Howe
University of Missouri

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published August 4, 2023
Appears in Journal 42:1 (January, 2014)