Artem Vassiliev
10 Simple Answers:

Coventry, , United Kingdom
Publisher: Warwick Music Publishers
Date of Publication: 2008

Primary Genre: Trombone Ensembles - 9+ trombones (choir)

Based in Moscow, but born in Kazakhstan, Artem Vassiliev has produced a large repertoire of successful compositions for many ensembles, traditional and electro-acoustic. To my knowledge, this is his only composition for trombone ensemble. 10 Simple Answers is written for an ensemble of ten trombones, posing musical questions and answers by means of juxtaposing solos with the full ensemble in a sort of musical dialogue. The character of the work is best described as ponderous and eccentric. The piece is devoid of traditional tonality and at times incorporates bitonality, dissonant harmonies, and harmonic clusters. Vassiliev also frequently uses tempo and meter changes to attain his musical goal; however, in both the score and the parts many unnecessary time signature reminders are included. This could simply be an editing error.

All parts are written in bass clef. Straight mutes are used by all ten trombones and cup mutes are incorporated into all tenor parts. The combined ranges of all parts are EE to c2.  The work was commissioned by the Royal Academy of Music and Warwick Music for the British Trombone Society.

-Cory Mixdorf
University of Arkansas

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published August 4, 2023
Appears in Journal 42:1 (January, 2014)