Eric Allen
High and Low Range Studies for Trombone:

Publisher: Better Bands and Orchestras
Date of Publication: 2009

Primary Genre: Study Material - etude
Secondary Genre: Study Material - method

Unlike many range studies books this volume contains no hints or helpful text of any kind. The etudes are all in bass clef and one page long. The first section, “Low Range Studies,” might be better titled lower-middle range studies. The tessitura is primarily in the bass clef staff and the lowest note in any etude is F. All major keys are covered, including F-sharp major and C-sharp major. The second part of the book consists of 27 “High Range Studies.” Tessitura is almost entirely above the bass clef staff and there are only rare quarter rests and half rests. That makes these etudes valuable for developing endurance but they must be used carefully. The highest note in 26 of the etudes is between a1 and c2. One etude ascends to c-sharp2. All 80 etudes in the book employ simple meters, basic quarter-eighth-sixteenth note rhythms and almost entirely diatonic scale patterns. There are occasional technical challenges, but nothing excessive. Musically this text is quite simple. It may serve as a range development book for junior high or high school students but its best use is as a diatonic technical workout in unfamiliar keys.

-Frank Gazda
Delaware State University

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published August 4, 2023
Appears in Journal 41:4 (October, 2013)