John Sweden
Trombone Trio:

Coventry, , United Kingdom
Publisher: Warwick Music Publishers
Date of Publication: 2008

Primary Genre: Trombone Ensembles - 3 trombones

This is a well-crafted, if somewhat limited, trio in four short movements. Three of the movements, none of which lasts longer than 1:30, include moments of rhythmic agility and diversity. Unfortunately, this emphasis comes at the expense of motivic development, harmonic intrigue and textural diversity. The remaining Allegro movement is a model of succinctness, to the point of repeating phrases within its twenty-two measures. The entire piece lasts less than five minutes and seems well-suited to a somewhat advanced high school level ensemble. Range extends from GG to c2. All parts are written in bass clef. 

-Joel Elias
Sacramento State University

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published August 4, 2023
Appears in Journal 41:4 (October, 2013)