Elgar Howarth
Spooks: an outrage:
bass trombone, brass ensemble, and percussion

Vuarmarens, , Switzerland
Publisher: Editions Bim
Date of Publication: 2009
URL: http://www.editions-bim.com

Score and parts

Primary Genre: Solo Bass/Contrabass Trombone - with brass
Secondary Genre: Solo Bass/Contrabass Trombone - with other instruments

Spooks: an outrage is a composition in the great tradition of English programmatic character works. It is written for solo bass trombone with brass ensemble of thirteen players and two percussionists. The premiere was given in 2008 with Mark Frost, soloist and John Miller, conductor.  The four movements of Spooks: an outrage are inspired by and dedicated to the composer’s grandchildren, with each movement depicting their ideas of ghosts. There are also short entrance and exit movements, in addition to the four main character pieces. The composition uses traditional notation with extended techniques that include glissandi, double and triple tonguing, flutter tonguing, singing, jazz-like doits and bends. The bass trombone range is: D to b-flat1.  

Esteemed composer and conductor Elgar Howarth has written an excellent bass trombone work that should be included in the standard repertoire. Every movement has a unique personality that audiences will appreciate. Although the piece is difficult, it is composed idiomatically and can be performed well by a college-level bass trombonist. The ensemble does require a conductor.  

-David Manson
St. Petersburg College

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published August 7, 2023
Appears in Journal 40:4 (October, 2012)