Tim Risher

Winter Park, FL, United States
Publisher: Wehr's Music House
Date of Publication: 1989
URL: http://www.wehrs-music-house.com

Primary Genre: Solo Bass/Contrabass Trombone - with piano

This is a vast piece set in three movements: Hymn, Song and Strum. At times, the minimalistic piano accompaniment is driving. At other times it seems to lack harmonic motion and rhythmic variety. Nice melodic material is incorporated into the first movement, Hymn. In other parts of the piece it seems that both trombone and piano parts are accompanimental in nature; there does not seem to be as much conversation between the piano and the bass trombone as one would like.  I can envision this piece better suited for orchestra, where the repetitive nature could be enlivened with shifts in timbre and percussion. And indeed, the publisher did recast it in a new edition with wind ensemble in 2004. Perhaps Harp might also be interesting music for a multi-media presentation.

-David Brubeck
Miami Dade College, Kendall Campus

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published August 8, 2023
Appears in Journal 40:3 (July, 2012)