Marco Bordogni
Bordogni Accompaniments for Rochut:

Arranged by David Schwartz

Belmont, MA, United States
Publisher: David A. Schwartz
Date of Publication: 2009

Folios #1, #2, #3

Primary Genre: Study Material - etude
Secondary Genre: Solo Tenor Trombone - with piano

These piano accompaniments to the Bordogni vocalises are similar to the other published editions of the same with some notable exceptions. First, as the title suggests, the accompaniments are adapted for use with the venerable Rochut edition and they correspond in number and key to Rochut’s Melodious Etudes, volume 1 - each folio includes 20 etudes, with the exception of Rochut etude No.1, which has no corresponding Bordogni etude, hence no accompaniment. The solo part is written in bass clef above the piano part. Schwartz includes suggested tempo markings by both Bordogni and Rochut, some practice tempo markings, and suggestions for ornamentation.

Curiously, while Schwartz edits the key signatures and etude order to fit Rochut’s publication he gives the etudes exactly as Bordogni published them, something Rochut did not always do. This discrepancy is not hard to remedy, however, as Schwartz provides a handy, inside-the-front-cover explanation to adapt the piano accompaniment to the Rochut etude. This usually involves adding the odd measure of rest to the Rochut etude, but occasionally one must make substantial cuts in the piano part. As a bonus, Schwartz includes Rochut etude errata.

The parts are printed on bright, white paper, easy to read. Most of the accompaniments can be played by performers possessing limited piano skills. They are handy to have in the studio teacher’s arsenal. 

-Michael Davidson
The University of Kansas

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published August 9, 2023
Appears in Journal 39:4 (October, 2011)