Larry Clark
Progressive Duets Volume 1:

New York, NY, United States
Publisher: Carl Fischer
Date of Publication: 2006

Primary Genre: Trombone Ensembles - 2 trombones

In the foreword, arranger Larry Clark states, “Over the years I have become frustrated by the limited amount of available duets.” To further the cause of chamber music study and performance, Clark offers this collection of progressively difficult 54 duets based on superb melodies from composers such as Bach, Telemann, Beethoven, and Schumann. There is an excellent mix of meter and “classical” style choices, lyrical, rhythmic, technical, etc. While the first part is typically higher than the second, both parts are evenly written so that no part endures more challenge than the other. Clark provides a superb variety of contrapuntal and homophonic writing, with key centers never leaving between one and four flats, and durations between one and five minutes. All of the duets are laid out so that awkward page turns are avoided, while retaining clear printing. This is a brilliant addition to the standard duet options that will provide numerous opportunities for students to study and perform in a variety of styles, while developing their musical and technical abilities.

-David Stern
Lewiston, Maine

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published August 9, 2023
Appears in Journal 39:4 (October, 2011)