Benedetto Marcello
Six Cello Sonatas:

Arranged by Andrew Kohn

Silver Spring, MD, United States
Publisher: Slava Publishing
Date of Publication: 2009

Score and solo part

Primary Genre: Solo Tenor Trombone - with piano

‘Six Cello Sonatas attributed to Benedetto Marcello,’ is a critical urtext edition based on three editions that appeared in 1732. Realisation is by Andrew Kohn. Extensive critical notes include discussion of the authorship of these works, which is obscure. Specific to this edition is the lowering of the accompanying bass line by an octave, where it would otherwise be above the solo part, and this seems to be eminently sensible. 

Each sonata follows the usual pattern of slow-fast-slow-fast. Three are in major keys and three are minor, all of approximately 8 minutes duration. The compositional means are relatively simple, and there are no real technical difficulties except for some of the trills that are an essential part of the style. Most of the notes sit comfortably within the compass of the bass or tenor clef, range is E to a1. The quick movements are energetic and cheerful, and the arioso-style slow movements are expressive and attractive.
These pieces are standard repertoire for trombonists. This is not a performing edition for trombone, but many will find it valuable. When reading from urtext, each player produces their own ‘edition’ based on their scholarship and sense of style; interpretation may change from one performance to another, developing with experience or reflecting the sense of the moment. I think there is a subtle difference between playing an urtext Bach fugue and one elaborated with the ‘correct’ fingering; in one you are more focused on the relationships of notes, in the other on piano technique. With technique already learned, the urtext will give the skilled performer the freedom to follow their musical instincts. Andrew Kohn is a composer, scholar and teacher of the string bass at West Virginia University.

-Keith Davies Jones
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published August 10, 2023
Appears in Journal 39:3 (July, 2011)