Max Stern
Balaam and the Ass:
trombone and percussion

Ramat Gan, , Israel
Publisher: The Institute for the Advancement of Social Integration in the Schools, Bar Ilan University
Date of Publication: 1994

Performing score

Primary Genre: Solo Bass/Contrabass Trombone - with other instruments
Secondary Genre: Chamber Music

This programmatic duo for trombonist and percussionist represents a biblical passage (Num. 22:21-35) where the soothsayer Balaam rides an ass, encounters an angel and the ass speaks to him. The trombone portrays the ass while metallic percussive instruments represent the angel and non-pitched percussion instruments symbolize Balaam. Balaam and the Ass was recorded by Stuart Taylor, Max Stern MS 1, 12F063 Records International.

The advanced level work includes extended techniques, mutes and onomatopoeic sounds. Although avant-garde in design, the expressive composition communicates well as a programmatic work and has been performed in the Israeli public school system. The parts, a performing score, include both traditional and standard graphic notation.

-David Manson
St. Petersburg College

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published August 12, 2023
Appears in Journal 39:1 (January, 2011)