David Uber
Intermediate Melodic Studies for Trombone or Euphonium:

Winter Park, FL, United States
Publisher: Wehr's Music House
Date of Publication: 2001
URL: http://www.wehrs-music-house.com

Primary Genre: Study Material - etude
Secondary Genre: Study Material - method

It is likely that any reader of this review will recognize David Uber as a prolific composer of solo works for trombone, euphonium, and tuba. Dr. Uber’s career has also included teaching and wide renown as a trombonist. His Intermediate Melodic Studies for Trombone or Euphonium reflects the perspective of one who can approach the subject with authority from many sides. As its title indicates, this collection of twenty exercises is intended for the mid-level player. Range is moderate and bass clef is used throughout. A variety of keys are used in both major and minor tonalities. While there is occasional use of 5/8 and 5/4 meters, no mixed meters are present. Careful attention to articulation markings is obvious and a wide range of dynamic levels are indicated. There seems to be no attempt to arrange these exercises progressively since they all fit within the same general difficulty range. While many areas of technique are addressed, each etude is melodic, usually in four or eight bar phrases. There is no doubt that Intermediate Melodic Studies for Trombone or Euphonium is valuable material. The book might find its best use as a source for supplementary study and sight reading.

-Glenn Eernisse
Brewton-Parker College

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published August 13, 2023
Appears in Journal 38:4 (October, 2010)