Marco Bordogni
Bordogni Vocalises Vol. 1 (Nos.1-30):

Ft. Wayne, IN, United States
Publisher: Hard Brass Media
Date of Publication: 2006

Primary Genre: Study Material - etude

Edwin Anderson was the bass trombonist with The Cleveland Orchestra 1964-1985 and Professor of Trombone at Indiana University 1985-1998. In preparing this edition, Prof. Anderson took a sabbatical to go to Paris and research original source material for Bordogni's vocalises. Many of these vocalises were collected in the Melodious Etudes edited by Johannes Rochut, which the editor stated is a high-tessitura edition intended for tenor trombone. Volume I of this new edition is aimed at bass trombonists and tubists, and is available in three different ranges requiring three different books: MEDIUM TESSITURA E-flat-g1, LOW TESSITURA AA-flat-c1, and VERY LOW TESSITURA EE-flat-g. There is also a treble clef edition for horn or trumpet. If you are not into transposing the Rochut edition into various lower tessituras, this edition is for you. It is printed on good quality paper with colorful laminated covers. Even though some of the etudes are interrupted by page turns, the spiral notebook format makes that easier to navigate.

-Karl Hinterbichler
University of New Mexico

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published August 14, 2023
Appears in Journal 38:2 (April, 2010)