Paul Faulise
The Basics: F G-flat D In-line Double Valve Bass Trombone
Bass trombone

Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey, United States
Publisher: PF Music Co. Publications
Date of Publication: 2008

Method book.

Primary Genre: Study Material - book

Named the “Most Valuable Player” in 1987 and 1989 by the New York Chapter of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, Paul Faulise can be heard on numerous recordings by the likes of Cannonball Adderley, Oscar Peterson, Art Farmer, J.J. Johnson, Paul Desmond, Charles Mingus, Bill Evans and many, many others. The Basics is designed for players who are new to the in-line (independent) double valve bass trombone or for more seasoned players who would like a thorough introduction to the use of the G-flat valve by itself.  

The method begins with instructions for tuning and then moves to comprehensive position charts that feature the “practical” registers for each valve combination (F, G-flat, and D). The player is then introduced to a series of exercises designed to improve both sound and intonation for each valve. These include long tones, articulated exercises and lip slurs. Each valve combination is addressed separately and the positions are clearly marked at first, although they appear less frequently in the later exercises. Lastly, the book moves on to exercises that promote valve facility through stepwise slurs across the valves, major triad practice, and major, minor, chromatic and whole tone scales. The book is durable, easy to read, nicely designed and introduces the aspiring bass trombonist to alternate positions that may be unfamiliar. It can and should act as a preliminary study to more advanced texts designed for developing valve facility on in-line double valve bass trombones including Daily Warm-up and Valve Exercises, also by Paul Faulise, and Valve Technique for Bass Trombone by Blair Bollinger.   

-Eric High
St. Norbert College

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published August 14, 2023
Appears in Journal 38:1 (January, 2010)