David Uber
Studies in Three Clefs for Bass Trombone:
Bass trombone

Orlando, Florida, United States
Publisher: Wehr’s Music House
Date of Publication: 2001

Etude book. 47 pages.

Primary Genre: Study Material - etude

Dr. Uber (1921-2007) was professor of music at the College of New Jersey for 33 years, and a trombonist in some of the leading ensembles in New York City, including the New York City Opera and the NBC Symphony. He was an award-winning member of ASCAP and a prolific composer with over 400 publications to his credit. Solo and ensemble works for brass constitute a good portion of his output as well as pedagogical material for trombone. The latter includes sets of etudes for alto, tenor and bass trombone. These Studies are a set of eleven, each etude is first presented in bass clef, then the same etude in bass plus tenor clef and lastly in bass, tenor and alto clef. There are a variety of keys, styles and dynamics covered, good material for moderately advanced bass trombonists in need of learning alto and tenor clef.

-Karl Hinterbichler
University of New Mexico

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published August 14, 2023
Appears in Journal 38:1 (January, 2010)