Amy Beach
Eskimos Op.64: transcribed for tuba (bass trombone) and piano
Arranged by Ralph Sauer
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Publisher: Cherry Classics Music
Date of Publication: 2012
Piano score and solo part
Primary Genre: Solo Bass/Contrabass Trombone - with piano
Eskimos Op.64: transcribed for tuba (bass trombone) and piano
Arranged by Ralph Sauer
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Publisher: Cherry Classics Music
Date of Publication: 2012
Piano score and solo part
Primary Genre: Solo Bass/Contrabass Trombone - with piano
Amy Beach (1867-1944), American composer from Boston, was a member of what came to be known as the Second New England School of composition, whose other members included John Knowles Paine, Arthur Foote, and Edward MacDowell. A pianist by training, she wrote in the late 19th century Romantic tradition prevalent at the time, but with exotic elements and techniques, including whole-tone scales. Noted trombonist and arranger Ralph Sauer has transcribed this charming set of piano pieces for tuba or bass trombone solo and piano. The four movements are entitled Arctic Night, The Returning Hunter, Exiles, and With Dog Teams. The first movement, Arctic Night, is a lyrically expressive Adagio in softer dynamics, with occasional excursions down to D. Next in order, The Returning Hunter, Allegro vivace, 2/4, accelerates the pace a bit with rhythmic movement in staccato eighths. The third movement, Exiles, Lento con amore, ranges from f to e1, a modest compass. The set comes to a close with a lively ‘dog team galop’ in 2/4, Presto, in the range of C to f1. None of the four pieces exceed a page in length and the set is easily playable by a competent, advanced high school tubist or bass trombonist. -James Roberts Jacksonville State University