
The Caisson Song:

Arranged by Al Hager

Delevan, NY, United States
Publisher: Kendor Music
Date of Publication: 2011

Primary Genre: Trombone Ensembles - 3 trombones

Widely recognized around the world as the theme of the U.S. Army, Al Hager sets The Caisson Song in two complete statements of the song, the first in B-flat, the second in E-flat with a one bar modulation. Range is limited to G-e-flat1 and several accidentals will challenge young players including b-natural, f-sharp, g-flat, d-flat. Hager simplifies quick leaps, dotted rhythms and high notes found in the authentic version of the tune by literally replacing the tune with its harmony delivered in homophonic motion and smooth voice leading, a good solution. Syncopated rhythms are retained. The tune is well distributed among all parts. Dynamic markings are included but no articulation direction is included with the exception of a single slur. Second year players will likely enjoy learning this quick, accessible arrangement of a familiar song.

-Mike Hall
Old Dominion University

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published July 15, 2023
Appears in Journal 44:1 (January, 2016)