Karl Hinterbichler
11 Orchestra Etudes for Tenor Trombone:
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Publisher: Cherry Classics Music
Date of Publication: 2016
URL: http://www.cherryclassics.com
Paper bound etude book
Primary Genre: Orchestral Material
Secondary Genre: Study Material - etude
11 Orchestra Etudes for Tenor Trombone:
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Publisher: Cherry Classics Music
Date of Publication: 2016
URL: http://www.cherryclassics.com
Paper bound etude book
Primary Genre: Orchestral Material
Secondary Genre: Study Material - etude
Preparations of orchestral excerpts can be tedious and, at times, mind-numbing. Successful management of technical performance necessitates a singularity of focus, personal persistence, and creative approaches to the task. Hinterbichler’s 11 Orchestral Etudes is a helpful publication to achieve desired results and provide practice techniques that may be transferred to other technically challenging passages one may encounter. These etudes provide an alternative to the monotonous experience of repeatedly performing excerpts and they motivate analysis of their technical and musical challenges. The eleven etudes are based on eleven often requested excerpts encountered at orchestral auditions such as “Tuba mirum,” Hungarian March, Bolero, Ride of the Valkyries, William Tell Overture. Each etude expands on specific technical challenges encountered within the excerpt be it technique, range, rhythmic precision, articulation, style, etc. Melodies from the actual work are often incorporated providing “a better overall sense of the work.” Etudes integrate variations of musical phrasing for a singular passage, rhythmic variations, “articulated” subdivisions within phrases, transposition of motifs higher/lower than the original, and thoughtful inclusion of musical and technical content while remaining faithful to the style of the original excerpt. “The goal is that of practicing and mastering these etudes, the playing and performance of the excerpts becomes less intimidating and more self-assured.” (Hinterbichler) The availability of these stylistic etudes, based on a specific excerpt and of extended duration, is a useful tool for both teacher and student and should encourage thoughtful and deliberate practice to what can sometimes be a repetitive, uninteresting, and wearisome routine.
Reviewer: Kevin Chiarizzio
Review Published June 13, 2023
Review Published June 13, 2023