
Jazz Trombone: in four volumes

Arranged by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

, United Kingdom
Publisher: The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Date of Publication: 2003

Includes compact disc

Primary Genre: Jazz Material - etude
Secondary Genre: Jazz Material - method

Submitted by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM), this jazz curriculum consists of four books; three are graded jazz tunes and the fourth is a scales guide. In each book of tunes is a separate trombone and piano part, and 15 tunes divided into three categories; blues and roots – including African-American Spirituals, standards – including Tin Pan Alley and Broadway show tunes that are usually AABA in form with ii, V, I progressions, and contemporary jazz – including fusion, rock, multi-cultural, and tunes especially written for the ABRSM. Book one uses the more simple tunes in a graded fashion in each of the divisions, and the entire program accelerates through to the third volume. Some selections have been transposed from their more familiar key to facilitate ease in earlier levels. Each tune is a fully notated head-chart with metronome and style markings. At the end of each melody is an improvisation section with recommended goal notes indicated in the staff below the chord changes. For each setting there is a footnote with various bits of relevant information such as history or composer, good reference recordings, and technical advice from a jazz trombonist. The compact disc contains a representative performance and a separate track without the solo, similar to the “music minus one” series. A prose section describes how to prepare the tunes for the ABRSM exams and the gig. Through the text and in preparation for the exam, regular emphasis is placed on aural skills development with compact disc drills, quick studies, and scale mastery exercises. The scales syllabus (fourth book) explains exam expectations and provides systematic instruction for accomplishing the objectives. Modes, pentatonic scales, and chord shapes are applied to the corresponding tunes in the other three books. A pamphlet labeled “USA Edition” was included for review and thoroughly explains the examination process by grade level. The quality of print and product is superb and well worth the price, $24.95 at the time of review, for a book, which contains 15 tunes, a separate piano part, prose instruction, and supporting compact disc. The ABRSM has created a comprehensive improvisation and jazz skills instructional system in a graded series, providing methods of assessment at appropriate levels with complete supporting materials to assist in achieving success in the examination or in live performance.

-David Stern
Lewiston, ME

Reviewer: Review Author
Review Published January 8, 2025
Appears in Journal 37:3 (July, 2009)