Johann Sebastian Bach
Motette BWV 230: Lobet den Herrn

Arranged by Ralph Sauer

Two alto (or tenor), four tenor, two bass trombones

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Publisher: Cherry Classics Music
Date of Publication: 2019

Score and parts

Primary Genre: Trombone Ensembles - 8 trombones

The Motette “Lobet den Herrn” is an excellent transcription by Ralph Sauer. The original four part chorus with continuo has been expanded to trombone octet and transposed down a fifth from the original. Sauer divides and shares each voice between two parts, which is a wise accommodation given the length and stamina required if each voice was assigned to a single part. He also offers the the top two parts as either alto or tenor trombone. These parts are playable on either tenor or alto, though alto might fit the lighter character of the style. The piece itself contains all the wonderful counterpoint and imaginative imitation we love about Bach. Each of its five sections are defined by a new point of imitation. Other features include various combinations of pared imitation, short moments of simple, four part chorales to highlight text, and a concluding Alleluia section in ¾ meter. Many of the Bach transcriptions for trombone choir have focused on his keyboard music. This is a nice transcription that explores a different and rich area of Bach’s output as composer. Grade 5.

Reviewer: Timothy Howe
Review Published June 20, 2023